The feeling of inspiration: music

22:06 Unknown 0 Comments

Some songs just have that little something. That thing that makes me picture a story in my head. I can see the song. I can see it like a little movie playing out in my head. Those kind of songs, are the songs with special meaning to me. Those songs make me forget where I'm headed, because they draw me in. Hopefully they do the same for you. If not, just enjoy these masterpieces. I won't bore you with what I think they mean, I'll let you figure that one out for yourself. 

Photo: Vmeo
Photo: Deviant user Cleanhead

Photo: pcwallart

Personally, I think it's so amazing how music can tell a story.. Not just by the lyrics, but with the music itself as well. I love it when I'm listening to a song and suddenly I feel inspired. It makes me want to write. It makes me want to film. And who doesn't like the feeling of inspiration?

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